Grigory Garkusha Publications

Publications and Preprints

  1. The Ziegler spectrum for enriched ringoids and schemes, preprint arXiv:2405.13457. (pdf)
  2. Group schemes and motivic spectra, Israel J. Math. 259(2) (2024), 727-758. (pdf)
  3. Correspondences and stable homotopy theory, Trans. London Math. Soc. 10(1) (2023), 124-155. (pdf, video)
  4. (with Alexander Neshitov) Fibrant resolutions for motivic Thom spectra, Annals of K-theory 8(3) (2023), 421-488. (pdf, video)
  5. (with Ivan Panin and Paul Arne Østvær) Framed motivic Gamma-spaces, Izv. Math. 87(1) (2023), 1-28. (pdf, video)
  6. Semilocal Milnor K-theory, Int. Math. Research Notices 2023(24), 22069-22095. (pdf, video)
  7. (with Ivan Panin) Triangulated categories of framed bispectra and framed motives, St. Petersburg Math. J. 34(6) (2023), 991-1017. (pdf)
  8. (with Darren Jones) Recollements for derived categories of enriched functors and triangulated categories of motives, J. Algebra 589 (2022), 238-272. (pdf, video)
  9. (with Alexander Neshitov and Ivan Panin) Framed motives of relative motivic spheres, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 374(7) (2021), 5131-5161. (pdf)
  10. (with Alexey Ananyevskiy and Ivan Panin) Cancellation theorem for framed motives of algebraic varieties, Adv. Math. 383 (2021), article 107681. (pdf)
  11. (with Ivan Panin) Framed motives of algebraic varieties (after V. Voevodsky), J. Amer. Math. Soc. 34(1) (2021), 261-313. (pdf)
  12. (with Ivan Panin) Homotopy invariant presheaves with framed transfers, Cambridge J. Math. 8(1) (2020), 1-94. (pdf)
  13. Reconstructing rational stable motivic homotopy theory, Compos. Math. 155(7) (2019), 1424-1443. (pdf)
  14. (with Darren Jones) Derived categories for Grothendieck categories of enriched functors, Contemp. Math. 730 (2019), 23-45. (pdf)
  15. Comparing motives of smooth algebraic varieties, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 356(11) (2018), 1100-1105. (pdf, video)
  16. (with Ivan Panin) On the motivic spectral sequence, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 17(1) (2018), 137-170. (pdf)
  17. Algebraic Kasparov K-theory. II, Annals of K-theory 1(3) (2016), 275-316. (pdf, video)
  18. (with Hassan Al Hwaeer) Grothendieck categories of enriched functors, J. Algebra 450 (2016), 204-241. (pdf)
  19. Algebraic Kasparov K-theory. I, Documenta Math. 19 (2014), 1207-1269. (pdf, video)
  20. (with Ivan Panin) The triangulated category of K-motives DK_(k), J. K-theory 14(1) (2014), 103-137. (pdf)
  21. Universal bivariant algebraic K-theories, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. 8(1) (2013), 67-116. (pdf)
  22. (with Ivan Panin) K-motives of algebraic varieties, Homology Homotopy Appl. 14(2) (2012), 211-264. (pdf)
  23. R-supports in tensor triangulated categories, J. Algebra Appl. 9(6) (2010), 1001-1014. (pdf)
  24. Classifying finite localizations of quasi-coherent sheaves, St. Petersburg Math. J. 21(3) (2010), 433-458. (pdf)
  25. (with Mike Prest) Torsion classes of finite type and spectra, in K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry, European Math. Soc. Publ. House, 2008, pp. 393-412. (pdf)
  26. (with Mike Prest) Reconstructing projective schemes from Serre subcategories, J. Algebra 319(3) (2008), 1132-1153. (pdf)
  27. (with Mike Prest) Classifying Serre subcategories of finitely presented modules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136(3) (2008), 761-770. (pdf)
  28. Homotopy theory of associative rings, Adv. Math. 213(2) (2007), 553-599. (pdf)
  29. Systems of diagram categories and K-theory. I, (pdf). St. Petersburg Math. J. 18(6) (2007), 957-996.
  30. Systems of diagram categories and K-theory. II, Math. Z. 249(3) (2005), 641-682. (pdf)
  31. (with Mike Prest) Triangulated categories and the Ziegler spectrum, Algebras Repr. Theory 8 (2005), 499-523. (pdf)
  32. (with Mike Prest) Injective objects in triangulated categories, J. Algebra Appl. 3(4) (2004), 367-389. (pdf)
  33. Relative homological algebra for the proper class w_f, Comm. Algebra 32(10) (2004), 4043-4072. (pdf)
  34. A note on almost regular group rings, J. Math. Sciences 120(4) (2004), 1561-1562. (pdf)
  35. On the homotopy cofibre spectrum of K(R) --> G(R), J. Algebra Appl. 1(3) (2002), 327-334. (dvi)
  36. Grothendieck categories, St. Petersburg Math. J. 13(2) (2002), 149-200. (pdf)
  37. FP-injective and weakly quasi-Frobenius rings, J. Math. Sciences 112(3) (2002), 4303-4312. (pdf)
  38. (with A. I. Generalov) Grothendieck categories as quotient categories of (R-mod, Ab), Fund. Appl. Math. 7(4) (2001), 983-992. (ps)
  39. (with A. I. Generalov) Duality for categories of finitely presented modules, St. Petersburg Math. J. 11(6) (2000), 1051-1061. (pdf)

Last updated May 24th, 2024.